Ann Wilson Payseur
Ann is a Shelby, North Carolina native but has lived in Belmont for the past 13 years. Inspired by her own two sons, Ann has been an advocate for families with special needs children for over twenty years. Her life experiences have made her a strong person and motivate her to serve others, not just as an attorney, but also as an engaged citizen of the community.
During her years in law school, Ann interned in the Gaston County District Attorney’s office trying criminal cases, served as an advocate for children with the Gaston County Guardian ad Litem program, and received the school’s highest award for pro bono hours. Her law practice began with a launch of her own practice in 2012 and merged with Jamie Hester in 2015.
Ann’s primary practice areas are wills, estates, probate, guardianships, family law and guardian ad litem representation. In family law, she represents husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and relatives in a range of domestic civil actions. Ann represents children as a Guardian ad Litem in high conflict custody cases, civil cases involving a minor, juvenile court cases, and termination of parental rights actions, among others. She is a member of the American Bar Association as well as the North Carolina and Gaston County bar associations.
In 2017 Ann was certified as a Mediator for Equitable Distribution and Other Family Financial Cases for District Court actions. Mediation provides parties an alternative to having a judge determine how their marital property and debts will be split between parties. Mediation can also be used to assist parties in determining custody arrangements.
Ann is also trained as a Parent Coordinator (PC). A Parent Coordinator serves as an impartial individual who assists parties in a high conflict custody case. This assistance involves resolving and deciding disputes, such as a scheduling issue or a communication problem. Parties can agree to appoint a PC or a PC can be appointed by a judge. If the PC is appointed by the judge then that person is given authority to make decisions concerning custody until the matter can be heard by the judge.
Ann is a member of Belmont Rotary where she served as president in 2013-2014. She was awarded the “Distinguished Rotarian” award in 2014 and was recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow in 2015 for her outstanding service to the organization. She was appointed by Gaston County Commissioners for an 18 month assignment as ombudsman for foster parents in the area. Currently, Ann serves as the advisor for the Gaston College Paralegal Technology Joint Advisory committee.
Ann has two daughters, two sons, five grandchildren and a fiesty puppy named Bentley. When not at work, Ann enjoys afternoons on the lake with her family and dinner dates with her husband.
Contact Us Today!
100 Glenway Street, Suite A,
Belmont, NC 28012
P: (704) 829-8195
F: (704) 970-7730